The Spartan Rule for Life You’ll Love, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

The Spartan rules for life have been celebrated for centuries as a way to embrace courage, inner strength, and resilience. The Spartan, who wore a scarlet cloak or chlamys, has become a symbol of the ancient warrior ethos since the Battle of Thermopylae two and a half thousand years ago.

What can we learn from the Spartans?

Discover the Spartan rule for life that will most inspire each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

What Spartan rules of life can we adopt into our own lives?

While the Spartans had their enemies and struggles, people have been drawn to their self-discipline and strict code of honor for centuries. Today, movies like 300 or events like the Spartan race keep our fascination with this warrior ethos alive.

In today’s article, we’re exploring the Spartan philosophy of life that will most appeal to each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. But take time to read all of these philosophies! They may inspire you to challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible.

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.

The Spartan Rule for Life You’ll Love, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Spartan codes for life


Spartans believed in only surrounding themselves with people who were ruthlessly devoted to becoming their greatest selves. This hunger for personal growth is keenly felt by ENFPs. When ENFPs are surrounded by people who only want to stick with the status quo or aiming low they can feel undernourished spiritually and mentally. To live the Spartan way, ENFPs should seek out people who inspire them to become more than they ever thought possible.

Find out more about ENFPs: A Look at the ENFP Leader


Spartans believed in implementing short bursts of discomfort into their daily lives so as to avoid stagnancy or “sloth.” This is something that ENTPs understand the drive towards, as they often find themselves bored and uninspired when nothing challenging is happening. They need challenges, even if they are uncomfortable, to bring out their best mental and physical selves. To live the Spartan way, ENTPs should focus on embracing uncertainty and taking risks in order to spark their creativity and stay adaptable and ready for anything.


Spartans did not believe in gossip. Instead, they believed that only conversations that nourished and strengthened the spirit were worthwhile. In other words, mud-slinging and idle chatter were out of the question. INFPs understand this philosophy well as they often struggle to stay focused when surrounded by shallow conversations or energy-draining people. To live the Spartan way, INFPs should strive to be mindful of who they spend their time with and how it affects them emotionally. They should be sure to fill their lives with meaningful conversations that will bring them joy and inspiration.


“He who sweats more in training bleeds less in war” is a famous Spartan warrior creed. INTPs believe in preparation. They believe in having logical consistency, integrating information and theories, and getting the best result possible. While this may not immediately translate to “sweating on the training ground” in a physical sense, INTPs understand that to be successful they must dedicate time to practice as well as mental or physical training. In the physical realm, INTPs are often those who study the techniques and strategies of others in order to improve their own. To live the Spartan way, INTPs should strive to push themselves out of their comfort zone and practice until they have perfected a skill or challenge.


Spartans believed in fighting for a good cause. They spoke of using every ounce of their being to push their cause further, being unafraid to defend what they stood for. ENFJs can understand the cause-driven nature of this philosophy and the willingness to take a stand for what is right. As visionaries and catalysts, ENFJs want to find a vision or belief worth driving themselves and others toward. To live the Spartan way, ENFJs can embrace this side of themselves, striving to be vocal about their beliefs and putting their gifts and talents towards a cause that is close to their heart.


A famous quote by a Spartan poet named Tyrtaeus states, “Rise up, warriors, take your stand at one another’s sides, our feet set wide and rooted like oaks in the ground…learn to love death’s ink-black shadow as much as you love the light of dawn. Here is courage, mankind’s finest possession, here is the noblest prize that a young man can endeavour to win.”

For the ENTJ, life is about understanding the big-picture goals and objectives that matter in the long-run. ENTJs love a challenge, and are motivated when they can look at the bigger picture and see how their goals align with a noble cause or purpose. This big-picture perspective, looking so far ahead as to even embrace death, will be motivating to ENTJs. To live the Spartan way, ENTJs should strive to find a meaningful agenda that is worth fighting for – something that will test them and bring out their best capabilities. They should also be mindful of the risks associated with such an endeavour and be prepared to make sacrifices in order to reach their cause. By aligning with a noble goal, ENTJs will find the motivation they need to push forward on their journey.


Tyrtaeus, the same Spartan poet I mentioned in the ENTJ section, also stated, “You should reach the limits of virtue before you cross the border of death.” This means that an individual’s life should be devoted to hitting the mark of one’s highest ethical potential. INFJs are driven by this idea, as they strive for growth and improvement and standing firm in their beliefs and values. The word virtue means a lot to an INFJ, as they are guided by their own moral compass and strive to reach a high ethical standard. To live the Spartan way, INFJs should focus on improving themselves before worrying about the outcomes or results.

Find out more about INFJs: 3 Weird and Wonderful Secrets About the INFJ Personality Type


Spartans believed that in order to live courageously they should accept the inevitability of death, thereby unshackling their mind from fear and allowing them to live up to their true potential. INTJs can relate to this idea of facing the truth, overcoming fear of the very thing (death) that so many try to avoid thinking of in their daily lives. For an INTJ, keeping an eye on the big picture, knowing the truth, and fearlessly pursuing their potential is part of their driven nature. To live the Spartan way, INTJs should embrace this quality in themselves and strive to be brave in their decisions, despite any fear or uncertainty that may arise. By accepting that life is temporary and making the best of every opportunity, INTJs will live a life of courage and ambition.

Find out more about INTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an INTJ, the Strategist Personality Type


One rule that Spartans lived by was that of leadership by example. “A leader does not watch safely from the rear” is a Spartan saying that still lives on. ESFPs also believe that if they are to lead others, they must get involved and face the same challenges their friends and supporters do. They have an infectious enthusiasm and a can-do spirit that motivates others to take action. To live the Spartan way, ESFPs should tap into their leadership skills, inspiring those around them to be courageous and galvanizing people who share their vision. For ESFPs, living a Spartan lifestyle means embodying the courage they want to see in others and using their natural charisma and energy to get people on board with their cause.


Spartans believed in intense competition. The idea of pushing themselves to the brink against each other or their opponents was a powerful motivator, and a rule by which they organized their lives. ESTPs thrive on the thrill of competition and are excited by a challenge. Through competition they can see what they’re really made of, and test their skills and wits against the best of the best. To live the Spartan way, ESTPs should embrace competition and use it as a tool for growth. They should strive to push themselves beyond their comfort zone and take on more difficult tasks – all with an eye towards victory. By learning from their successes and failures, ESTPs will be able to hone their abilities and become the best version of themselves.


Agesilaus II, the king of Sparta from c. 400 to c. 360 BC, famously said, “There is no use for bravery unless justice is present, and no need for bravery if all men are just.” The idea of this quote is that moral courage is the spark that ignites the flame of true courage. Without an ethical cause, bravery and courage count for nothing. And if all men were ethical and just, there would be no wars or battles to fight in the first place. ISFPs will resonate with this quote, as they have a strong sense of justice and hold tight to their values above all else. To live the Spartan way, ISFPs should embrace their inner warrior and use their moral courage to stand up for what’s right and support causes they care about. They should also cultivate the courage it takes to make difficult decisions that are in line with their values. By harnessing both physical and moral courage, ISFPs will be able to live a life of dignity and integrity.


One Spartan rule for life is to refuse to be a victim of circumstance. Spartans believed in self-reliance; with the belief that bravery, training, and independent determination will allow one to be prepared for any situation. ISTPs will find this rule of life very resonant, as independence is a key part of their personality type. They also belief in agency and control over their own actions; regardless of what the outside world throws at them. To live the Spartan way, ISTPs should embrace their inner strength and use it to take control of their destiny. They should strive to be proactive in pursuing their goals and be brave enough to make tough choices when necessary. With a warrior spirit and an independent mindset, ISTPs will be able to make the most of any situation and have the courage to forge their own path.


Chilon of Sparta was one of the famous Seven Sages of Greece, renowned for his wisdom and insight. He said, “If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, never forget it.” This quote essentially means that if you give someone a gift or service, you should not hold on to it waiting for some acknowledgment in return. Yet if someone gives you a gift or service, you should never forget it. ESFJs are often generous people who remember the small things that make a difference. They will resonate with this Spartan quote about true selflessness. To embrace this Spartan rule for life, ESFJs can treasure the gifts and services others have given to them without “keeping score” or making comparisons. This attitude of giving freely and receiving graciously will help ESFJs live a life of generosity, kindness, and gratitude.


One of the key Spartan rules for life was to take part in structured, organized, and well-respected training programs – never giving up when it became too difficult. This rule embodies the ESTJ’s strong work ethic and respect for tradition. They take pride in their diligence and commitment, which is why they are drawn to formal training programs that will help them become the best versions of themselves. To live the Spartan way, ESTJs should embrace this spirit of hard work and dedication, pushing themselves to learn new skills or master skills they are in the process of learning. When the road seems challenging, remember the Spartan code of courage and persistence to stay strong. With a driven mindset and the willingness to push themselves, ESTJs will be able to cultivate discipline and pride in their work.


Chilon of Sparta, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, was known for his wisdom and insight. He famously said, “If one is strong, be also merciful, so that one’s neighbors may respect one rather than fear one.” This quote focuses on compassion and mercy, especially when one has strength. The true code of the warrior should be to use strength responsibly and not abuse their power. ISFJs, whose core values include compassion and kindness, will find this quote meaningful. To live the Spartan way, ISFJs should strive to embrace both their merciful, supportive side, and their inner strength and fortitude. With a combination of inner courage and thoughtfulness, ISFJs will be able to achieve the dreams close to their heart and stand up for what they believe in while also maintaining their warmhearted nature.


Spartans preached that stamina, grit, and endurance counted for more than speed, strength, and agility. This Spartan rule for life is highly resonant with ISTJs. They are known for their determination and focus, and will appreciate this code of fortitude and perseverance. To embrace this Spartan rule for life, ISTJs can strive to be steadfast and consistent in pursuing their goals. They should also adopt a “no quit” attitude, refusing to give up even when the odds seem impossible. With an attitude of determination and a willingness to put in hard work and perserverance, ISTJs will be able to achieve great things. That said, ISTJs already have a strong work ethic and can run the risk of exhausting themselves. They should remember to take care of themselves and pace the process in order to sustain their energy.

What Do You Think?

Do you think the above Spartan rules for life resonate with your Myers-Briggs® personality type? Share in the comments below! We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

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