Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type and Religion: Do Some Personality Types Struggle More to Believe in God?

I grew up in a world where questioning God felt about as natural as questioning whether water was wet. Faith was the default setting—like breathing, but with more hymnals and potlucks.

My family followed Calvinism, a branch of Christianity that said a lot of things, one of which was that God already decided who gets into heaven before the world even started (which, as a child, felt deeply unfair—like getting graded on a test you hadn’t taken yet). I tried to believe. I really did. But my brain wouldn’t stop poking holes in things.

Get an in-depth look at religion and how the MBTI types feel about God, a higher power, or religion itself.

To be clear, I don’t have any ill will toward religion itself. I’ve known deeply kind, generous, and selfless people whose faith has made them better, more loving humans. Of course, I’ve seen the opposite as well. People who have used their faith to bully, control, and belittle others.

Either way, I understand why faith is such a powerful, grounding force for so many people. It offers certainty, meaning, community—the kind of stuff that’s hardwired into the human psyche. And yet, not everyone experiences faith in the same way. Some people seem born with an unshakable belief in a higher power, while others struggle with doubt like it’s a full-time job. Which brings me to today’s topic:

Do certain personality types find it easier or harder to believe in a higher spiritual power?

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.

The Personality Types Most Likely to Believe in a Higher Power (or Be Deeply Religious)

According to the MBTI Manual (Third Edition), the types with the highest percentage of believers are:

  • ENFJs – 91.4% believe in a higher power
  • ESFJs – 90.2% believe in a higher power
  • ENFPs – 89.8% believe in a higher power
  • ISFJs – 89.7% believe in a higher power

Type mega-site has also conducted a survey about type and religion. When it comes to those who identify as “very religious”, the types leading the pack on their survey are:

  • ISFJs – 55.37% say they are very religious
  • ESFJs – 52.48% say they are very religious
  • ISFPs – 47.98% say they are very religious
  • ISTJs – 45.57% say they are very religious
  • ESFPs – 44.78% say they are very religious

SJs (Guardians): The Pillars of Tradition

Sensing-Judging (SJ) types—ISFJs, ESFJs, ISTJs, and ESTJs—are the most likely temperament pairing to be religious. These types create meaning by carrying on traditions from their past that have had profound personal significance.

For the SJ, religion is deeply spiritual but it’s also deeply personal. It’s a part of worship and a part of carrying on meaningful practices and rituals that have followed them through life, providing a sense of comfort and continuity and depth. On top of that, religion, especially in its more organized forms, provides them with a clear moral framework, a sense of duty, and a tight-knit community—things they naturally gravitate toward.

Of course, not all SJs are religious. I’ve known a couple of Sensing-Judgers who are non-religious, and one that goes to church anyway, just because that’s where her family and friends are.

But for the most part in my experience (which of course is not prescriptive for all peoples’ experiences), the SJs I know have been extremely faithful to their religious practices and institutions and communities. And the stats bear this out as well. According to the 16 personalities survey, 50.31% of Sentinels (SJs) agreed with the statement “You are very religious.” Compared to 42.10% of SPs, 37.26% of NFs, and 30.93% of NTs.

  • ISFJs and ESFJs, in particular, are deeply relational and people-focused. Faith often plays a role in their personal relationships, and they are drawn to the way religion encourages connection and service to others. Many of them grew up with faith woven into their family and social networks, and they find deep meaning in continuing that legacy.
  • ISTJs and ESTJs, on the other hand, respect religious institutions for their longevity and principles, seeing them as a stable force in an otherwise chaotic world. They also tend to be duty-driven and enjoy having a clear set of rules to live by, which many religious traditions provide.

According to a Personality Hacker Podcast on type and religion, Presbyterians in particular tend to attract a lot of Feeler-Judger and Thinker-Judger personality types.

Many SJs are not just religious in belief, but also in practice. They’re the ones leading church committees, organizing charity drives, and making sure the potluck actually happens. Faith, for them, is often tied to action and responsibility. They make their faith real in a practical, hands-on sense.

I know an ISTJ Muslim who regularly gives to charities as a way of honoring his Muslim faith. “Humanitarianism is one of the fundamental principles of my religion,” he told me in an email, “we want to restore ramah (universal love and compassion), but most non-religious people or Christians don’t realize how integral this is to our faith.”

Another ISFJ I know is deeply committed to her Baptist church.

“Every Saturday I help pack lunches for the children living in poverty in my community. For me, religion isn’t just about me and my faith, it’s about putting that faith into action.” – Bonnie, an ISFJ

These two Sensing-Judgers have made a profound impact on the world simply by “walking the talk” of their faith and putting into real, practical  service for others.

ISFPs and ESFPs: Faith as a Personal, Experiential Journey

Sensing-Feeling-Perceiving (SFP) types—ISFPs and ESFPs—ranked second-highest in identifying as “very religious.” But while SJs tend to engage with faith through tradition, duty, and clear rules, SFPs approach religion in a much more individual, experiential way.

For them, faith is about doing what aligns with their deeply personal values. And what that is can vary from one SFP to another.

I know an ISFP who strictly follows all the rules in the Bible because that’s her personal value, her moral code, something she’s agreed with herself is deeply important to her. However, she’s accommodating and kind to people from all walks of faith.

I know an ESFP who more loosely follows the Bible. For her, loving Jesus is the main thing. The rules and codes in the Bible are more open to interpretation in her view and may or may not be accurate.

I see a wide variety of responses to religion from SFPs, but also a deep hunger for spiritual meaning and significance. Even some non-religious SFPs I’ve spoken with have found ways to get connected spiritually. They may meditate, commune with nature, or otherwise experiment without feeling tied to any particular religious institution.

According to the 16Personalities survey, the SPs who are most religious are:

  • ISFPs – 47.98% say they are very religious
  • ESFPs – 44.78% say they are very religious

Why SFPs Connect with Faith

For many SFPs, faith is not about rigid structures or theological debates—it’s about experience, authenticity, and personal meaning.

  • ISFPs (The Virtuosos or Artists) tend to experience faith in an introspective, deeply personal way. They don’t always align with traditional religious institutions, but when they do, it’s because the belief system resonates with them at a core, emotional level. Quite a few ISFPs are drawn to mystical or nature-based spirituality, seeing divinity in the world around them rather than in doctrine. I know an ISFP Pagan who connects with Celtic traditions as a way of finding spiritual nourishment. “For me, faith isn’t about right and wrong—it’s about feeling in tune with something greater than myself, whether that’s through the moon, the seasons, or just the way a river moves,” she told me.
  • ESFPs (The Entertainers or Performers) are deeply moved by a powerful sermon, a community-driven worship service, or the energy of a revival. Many ESFPs engage with religion in an active way—through music, outreach programs, or uplifting group experiences. I’ve met ESFPs who find joy in gospel choirs, who lead youth, and who see faith as something to be lived out loud.

SFPs and Their Unique Approach to Religion

  • They prioritize personal experience over argument. Unlike SJ types, who have a more traditional approach, or NTs, who love a good theological debate, SFPs focus on what feels real to them. They’re more likely to say, “I believe because I’ve felt and experienced something profound,” rather than because they’ve dug into a bunch of theological commentaries.
  • They often express their faith through creative or physical means. Whether it’s writing poetry about their beliefs, playing in a worship band, dancing as a form of spiritual expression, or getting active in humanitarian work, SFPs tend to embody their faith rather than just talk about it.
  • They don’t like being forced into rigid belief systems. ISFPs, in particular, struggle with institutions that demand conformity. If they feel pressured to believe a certain way or follow a strict set of rules, they’re more likely to step away from organized religion. Instead, they may craft their own personal spirituality, pulling from different traditions and experiences.

Personal Stories: How SFPs Experience Faith

I once knew an ISFP Catholic who deeply connected with faith through the beauty and ritual of the church. She wasn’t particularly interested in theological debates, but she found real peace in the quiet reverence of lighting candles, hearing the choir sing, and taking part in sacred traditions that had been passed down for centuries. “For me, faith is about stillness and opening up the airwaves for connection with God,” she told me.

On the other hand, an ESFP pastor’s daughter I met got involved in Christianity in a completely different way—through action and excitement. She was all about getting involved in worship teams, mission trips, and high-energy youth events. “Faith is something you live,” she said. “It’s about bringing people together, lifting them up, and making life better.”

NFs (Idealists): The Seekers of Meaning

For Intuitive-Feeling types, the search for meaning is one of the biggest priorities in life. Intuitive-Feeling (NF) types—ENFJs, ENFPs, INFJs, and INFPs—are natural seekers, drawn to spirituality, philosophy, and existential questions like moths to a flame. They don’t just want to know what to believe; they want to feel it deeply, see it reflected in the world around them, and have it transform them into better people.

According to the MBTI® Manual, NFs are among the types most likely to believe in a higher power, even if their relationship with religion is often deeply personal rather than rigidly structured.

  • ENFJs – 91.4% believe in a higher power (the highest percentage of any type)
  • ENFPs – 89.8% believe in a higher power
  • INFJs – 44.33% say they are very religious (making them the sixth most religious type overall)

Interestingly, INFPs were a little less certain than the other three NF types. 33.50% say they are very religious and they ranked neither high or low on the MBTI® Manual’s rankings about belief in a higher power.

ENFJs: The Spiritual Guides

ENFJs are, statistically, the most likely of all 16 personality types to believe in a higher power. They are deeply in tune with the emotional and moral currents of the world, and faith—whether religious or spiritual—often serves as a guiding force for them.

  • Faith as a mission: ENFJs are wired to inspire, and many of them see spirituality as a way to bring people together, uplift others, and encourage growth. I’ve known ENFJs who became pastors, counselors, and life coaches, using their faith to help others thrive and find peace amidst life’s challenges.
  • Emotional conviction: They don’t just believe in something; they feel it. When ENFJs find a faith system that resonates with them, they often become passionate advocates, embodying their beliefs in every aspect of their lives.
  • Less about doctrine, more about transformation: Many ENFJs I’ve met aren’t rigid about rules or dogma; they’re more interested in the ways faith can heal, inspire, and bring meaning. They want a belief system that makes people better.

My sister, an ENFJ, is a perfect example. She’s deeply spiritual but moved away from the strict Calvinism of our upbringing. Her faith is very much about love, compassion, and making a tangible difference in people’s lives. She’s run community programs, helped struggling families, and to this day embodies her beliefs in action. She’s not just about talking faith; she’s living it.

ENFPs: The Spiritual Explorers

ENFPs are curious, open-minded, and passionate about exploring new ideas—including spiritual ones. Nearly 90% of ENFPs say they believe in a higher power, but don’t expect them to just accept a single doctrine without question. ENFPs are seekers, often pulling wisdom from multiple traditions, philosophies, and personal experiences.

  • Faith as an adventure: For ENFPs, spirituality is less about structure and more about exploration. They’re drawn to big ideas, mystical experiences, and existential questions. Many of them go through spiritual phases—diving deep into different religions, philosophies, or alternative beliefs over their lifetime.
  • Values-driven spirituality: Like all NFs, ENFPs need their beliefs to align with their personal values. If a religion or faith system feels restrictive, judgmental, or overly rigid, they’re likely to move on or innovate in order to stay aligned with their moral compass.
  • Deeply moved by experience: ENFPs often describe moments of spiritual connection—whether through nature, music, deep conversations, or personal revelation.

I once knew an ENFP Buddhist who described her faith as “the most freeing thing I’ve ever experienced.” She wasn’t interested in following traditions blindly but loved the way Buddhist principles helped her stay present, mindful, and compassionate. She pulled from multiple traditions, blending elements of Christianity, Hinduism, and even a little paganism into her own personal spiritual practice.

Of course, I’ve also known ENFPs who were more traditional in their religious approaches. One size does not fit all and there will always be an endless variety of religious beliefs among each of the 16 personality types.

INFJs: The Mystics

INFJs are often described as old souls, and their approach to spirituality reflects that. They don’t just want faith to comfort them—they want it to make sense on a deep, existential level. This is probably why 44.33% of INFJs describe themselves as “very religious,” ranking sixth overall in religious commitment.

  • Faith as a journey, not a destination: INFJs are naturally introspective, and many of them spend their lives searching for deeper truths. They’re drawn to religion and spirituality, but they often approach it through study, meditation, or personal experience rather than unquestioning belief.
  • Drawn to mystical traditions: Many INFJs are intrigued by symbolism, metaphors, and deeper meanings. They are the type most likely to read sacred texts looking for underlying truths rather than just taking things at face value. Some are drawn to religious mysticism, while others resonate with philosophy, psychology, or esoteric teachings.
  • Deeply compassionate and spiritual by nature: Even INFJs who don’t identify as religious often describe themselves as spiritual. Their worldview is shaped by a belief in meaning, purpose, and the interconnectedness of life.

One INFJ I know is a Buddhist who studies multiple religions just for fun. She’s read the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and countless other spiritual texts—not because she’s searching for a single truth, but because she enjoys exploring different perspectives. “The way I see it,” she told me, “every religion is trying to explain the same mystery. I just like looking at all the different interpretations.”

I know another INFJ who is a devout Christian and spends a lot of time reading commentaries, listening to sermons, and looking at Biblical texts from many different perspectives, trying to find out what’s “truth” and what is a misinterpretation.

Why NFs Are Drawn to Spirituality

  1. They need meaning. Faith gives NFs a sense of purpose, direction, and something bigger to believe in. Whether it’s a traditional religion, a spiritual practice, or a deeply held philosophy, they crave something that ties everything together.
  2. They feel deeply. NFs don’t engage with faith in a detached, intellectual way (looking at you, NTs). They want their beliefs to be felt—to stir something inside them, to transform them, to inspire them toward love and compassion.
  3. They are seekers. Unlike SJs, who often accept religious traditions as a given, NFs tend to question, explore, and evolve. Many of them go through multiple belief systems in their lifetime, always refining and reshaping their spiritual worldview.
  4. They see the interconnectedness of life. Whether through faith, philosophy, or personal experience, NFs tend to see everything as part of a greater whole. They believe in destiny, synchronicity, or at least some underlying pattern to existence.

For NFs, faith is rarely about blind acceptance—it’s about discovery, transformation, and emotional resonance. They want spirituality that feels alive, that speaks to their deepest values, and that helps them become more compassionate, purpose-driven people.

INFPs: The Quiet Spiritual Wanderers

Unlike their NF cousins, INFPs don’t rank particularly high or low in religious belief—they’re somewhere in the middle. While 33.50% of INFPs describe themselves as “very religious,” that percentage is noticeably lower than INFJs (44.33%), ENFJs (91.4% believe in a higher power), and ENFPs (89.8% believe in a higher power). So, what makes INFPs different?

  • Faith as a deeply personal experience: INFPs don’t typically follow religious traditions out of duty, family expectations, or societal pressure. If they believe, it’s because they’ve felt something real, something profound that resonates with their inner values. If a belief system aligns with their personal convictions, they’ll embrace it wholeheartedly—but if it clashes with their morals, they’ll walk away without hesitation.
  • A love of mystery and paradox: Many INFPs wrestle with faith because they’re naturally individualistic and questioning. They want their beliefs to make emotional and philosophical sense, but they also recognize the complexity of the world. Some INFPs embrace religion as a guiding light, while others reject it because they feel it doesn’t fully account for life’s moral and existential gray areas.
  • Spiritual but skeptical: While some INFPs find deep faith, others struggle with doubt—not because they reject spirituality, but because they don’t want to commit to something that feels incomplete or limiting. They tend to be open to mystical experiences, spiritual philosophies, and even alternative or eclectic belief systems, but they often resist dogma and rigid structures.

I know an INFP Pagan who describes her faith as a connection to nature and ancient traditions rather than organized religion. “I believe in something,” she once told me, “but I don’t need it to have a name.” She’s deeply spiritual but in a way that’s fluid—shaped by poetry, art, and personal revelation rather than doctrine or rules.

At the same time, I’ve also met INFPs who are devout Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, or other religious adherents—but their faith tends to be highly personal rather than something they actively evangelize. Many of them find solace in poetic, meditative, or mystical elements of their faith rather than strict dogma.

Why Some INFPs Are More Uncertain About Faith

  1. They are idealists who struggle with religious contradictions. INFPs want truth, beauty, and moral integrity in everything they believe. If they see hypocrisy, corruption, or harm within religious institutions, it can deeply shake their faith.
  2. They question everything, including themselves. INFPs are constantly exploring their inner world, which makes them less likely to just accept a belief system at face value. They may go through long periods of doubt, exploration, or even faith crises before settling on a belief system (if they ever do).
  3. They are deeply spiritual but dislike rigid structures. Many INFPs resonate with spirituality but feel uncomfortable with institutionalized religion. They prefer faith that is fluid, personal, and experience-driven rather than rule-based.

For INFPs, belief is rarely black and white. They may want to believe but feel pulled toward doubt. They may doubt but find moments of deep spiritual connection that keep them searching. Faith, for them, is a deeply personal, emotional, and evolving journey—one that doesn’t always fit neatly into a box.

STPs (The Realists): Faith Needs to Make Sense First

If the NF types are out here looking for meaning in the cosmic dance of existence, STPs are the ones standing in the back, arms crossed, raising an eyebrow like, “Yeah, but where’s the proof?”

Both ISTPs and ESTPs ranked on the lower end of the religious spectrum. Only 36.71% of ISTPs and 34.33% of ESTPs identified as “very religious,” and ISTPs, in particular, were one of the types most likely to say they weren’t sure if they believed in a higher power (19.2%). While they’re not the most skeptical type overall (that title goes to INTJs), they still lean heavily toward questioning rather than accepting religious beliefs. They were the fourth most likely type to say they simply didn’t believe in a higher power (9.9%).

Why? Because faith requires taking something on trust, and STPs don’t do trust lightly—especially when it comes to things that can’t be observed, tested, or proven in some tangible way.

ISTPs: The Skeptical Analysts

ISTPs are Ti-Se users, which means their whole way of thinking is built on internal logic and real-world data. They’re not necessarily against religion, but they don’t accept something just because someone tells them to. They need to personally examine it, poke at it, maybe take it apart and put it back together to see if it still holds up.

  • If it doesn’t make logical sense, it’s not worth believing. ISTPs aren’t the type to just take someone’s word for it. If they see inconsistencies or logical gaps in religious doctrine, they’re going to question it. And once they start questioning? Good luck stopping them.
  • They’re allergic to groupthink. ISTPs are independent to their core. They don’t like being told what to think, what to believe, or how to live. If a religious community starts pressuring them into conforming to a belief system without room for personal exploration, they’ll mentally check out faster than you can say divine revelation.
  • They’re more interested in the practical than the abstract. While some people find meaning in spirituality, ISTPs are more likely to look for purpose in real-world experiences—learning skills, solving problems, pushing their physical or intellectual limits.

I have a close ISTP friend who was raised in a Christian home but left the faith in his early twenties. “I kept asking questions and nobody had answers that made sense,” he told me. “And when I pointed out contradictions, people just got mad at me instead of explaining them. That was kind of the last straw.”

That’s a pretty common ISTP experience. If they ask tough theological questions and the only response they get is “Just have faith”—yeah, that’s not going to cut it.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that there are no ISTP religious people out there. There certainly are. It’s just more of a challenge for many of them to move past their fact-focused realistic perspective to the world of spirituality and faith.

ESTPs: The Here-and-Now Pragmatists

ESTPs are Se-Ti users, which means they live in the now, focus on tangible reality, and primarily trust what they can personally verify. While ISTPs lean toward detached analysis, ESTPs are more focused on action, experience, and results—which makes them a bit more likely to engage with religion if it offers something practical and immediate.

  • If faith has benefits, they might engage. ESTPs are highly pragmatic. If a belief system helps them succeed in life—whether through social connections, motivation, or personal discipline—they might adopt it, at least in a functional way. But if it feels restrictive or impractical? They’re less convinced.
  • They don’t do well with guilt-based religion. ESTPs aren’t interested in feeling ashamed for existing. If a religion tries to control them through guilt, shame, or rigid moral codes that don’t make sense to them, they’ll walk away and never look back.

I once met an ESTP missionary who had a fascinating take on faith. He wasn’t particularly drawn to enforcing a lot of rigid moral rules, but he loved the adventure of mission trips, the challenge of debating with skeptics, and the high-energy social aspect of his church. He was drawn to the action, not just the belief system itself.

Why STPs Are Less Likely to Be Religious

  1. They question everything. STPs aren’t swayed by tradition, emotional appeals, or authority figures. They need firsthand proof. If they can’t see it, test it, or experience it directly, they’re skeptical.
  2. They prefer autonomy over structure. Religion often comes with rules, traditions, and expectations—and STPs aren’t big fans of being told what to do or think. They don’t like being boxed into a rigid system, especially one that doesn’t allow for independent thought.
  3. They’re realists. Many religious traditions rely on faith—believing in things unseen. STPs struggle with this because they trust logic, evidence, and personal experience over abstract ideas.

That said, some STPs do find their way to faith—but it’s usually on their own terms. They don’t do well with religious pressure or rigid expectations, but if they personally experience something meaningful, they might engage with spirituality in their own way.

For many STPs, faith has to be earned, not assumed. It’s not that they reject religion outright; they just need it to make sense first. And if it doesn’t? They’re perfectly fine living life without it.

NTs (The Analysts): Faith Needs to Hold Up to Scrutiny

If there’s one personality group that really struggles with faith, it’s the NTs. Not because they’re all die-hard atheists (though some are), but because they analyze everything to death. Faith, by definition, requires a leap beyond logic—something NTs aren’t exactly known for embracing.

According to the 16 Personalities Survey, NT types were the least likely to be religious, with only 30.93% of NTs agreeing with the statement, “I am very religious.” They were also among the highest-ranking types to say they don’t believe in a higher power according to the MBTI ® Manual:

  • INTJs – 23.1% said they don’t believe (highest of all types)
  • ENTJs – 14.6% said they don’t believe
  • INTPs – 11.1% said they don’t believe

NTs weren’t just more likely to say no to belief—they were also more likely to say “I don’t know.” 16.2% of INTPs and 14.6% of ENTPs and ENTJs answered “not sure” when asked if they believed in a higher power.

So what makes NTs the personality group least likely to be religious? In short: skepticism, logic, and an allergic reaction to blind faith.

INTJs: The Ultimate Skeptics

INTJs were the least likely of all personality types to believe in a higher power, with 23.1% explicitly rejecting belief in God (or any equivalent). If you’ve ever met an INTJ, this probably isn’t shocking.

  • They need intellectual consistency. INTJs don’t like contradictions. If a belief system has logical gaps, historical inaccuracies, or claims that don’t add up, they’re going to pick it apart like a detective analyzing a crime scene.
  • They don’t follow tradition for tradition’s sake. Some people stay religious because they grew up that way. INTJs? Nope. If something doesn’t make sense to them personally, they will not adhere to it—no matter how much pressure is applied.
  • They are independent thinkers. INTJs don’t take beliefs at face value. They research, analyze, and often end up deconstructing religious ideas rather than adopting them wholesale.

I personally resonate with this one. I grew up in a Calvinist home, and while I wanted to believe, my brain kept throwing up red flags. Why does an all-loving God create people knowing they’ll go to hell? How does free will work if everything is predestined? Why does every religion claim to be the “one true faith”? I could list all the questions, but that’s not why you’re here.

My faith unraveled because I couldn’t make it make sense. And I know plenty of other INTJs who’ve had the same experience.

That said, some INTJs are religious—but on their own terms. If they do believe, it’s usually because they’ve done deep theological study, engaged in rigorous debate, and arrived at a faith that actually aligns with their logic. I’ve known quite a few who prefer philosophical worldviews like Stoicism, Deism, or intellectual interpretations of Christianity or Buddhism.

And yes, as I keep saying, there will definitely be INTJs who are devoutly religious (and that’s okay). I’ve known INTJ Christians and Muslims and I’m sure they exist in every worldwide religion.

ENTJs: The Pragmatic Skeptics

ENTJs are more likely than INTJs to be religious (41.48% say they are very religious)—but they’re still highly skeptical.

  • They approach religion like they approach everything: strategically. ENTJs don’t believe in something just because they were raised that way. If they subscribe to a faith, it’s usually because they’ve thought it through, debated it, and found it intellectually and practically useful. If it doesn’t hold up to rigorous examination, they’ll discard it.
  • They need belief to drive real-world results. ENTJs respect competence, efficiency, and progress. A faith that’s passive or overly focused on abstract spirituality isn’t appealing to them. They want action, change, and transformation—a religion that actively improves lives, builds strong communities, and gets things done.
  • They are skeptical by nature. Even ENTJs who are religious tend to question their own beliefs constantly. They enjoy playing devil’s advocate, challenging assumptions, and breaking down flawed arguments—even ones that support their own worldview.

I once debated an ENTJ Christian who told me, “I believe because it makes the most logical sense. I’ve analyzed every major religion, debated scholars, and studied history. Christianity holds up best, so I follow it. But if I ever found something more logically sound , I’d switch.”

INTPs: The Existential Philosophers

INTPs are massive questioners—so it’s not surprising that they ranked third-highest for not believing in a higher power (11.1%) and second-highest for saying “I don’t know” (16.2%).

  • They are obsessed with theoretical consistency. INTPs will question a belief system to death before accepting it. They love philosophy, paradoxes, and abstract ideas, but they hate logical contradictions. If a religion makes claims that don’t add up, they’ll keep picking at it until it falls apart.
  • They struggle with faith because it’s not always logical. INTPs want evidence, and religious belief often requires trust in the unseen. That’s a hard pill for them to swallow.
  • They often replace religion with philosophy. Many INTPs become agnostic or secular humanist rather than fully atheist. They don’t outright reject the idea of a higher power, but they don’t feel there’s enough proof to confidently believe in one either.

One INTP I know once told me, “I don’t know if God exists, but I do know that Pascal’s Wager is a dumb argument.” And that’s a very INTP take—endlessly questioning, but quick to shoot down flawed reasoning.

I have an INTP relative who’s deeply committed to his Christian faith, but he’s not one to proselytize either. He just shows up for the things that matter to him and uses his faith to help out his community in meaningful, quiet ways.

ENTPs: The Debaters Who Love Questioning Everything

ENTPs were less likely than INTJs and INTPs to be explicitly nonreligious, but they were still far more skeptical than most types.

  • They don’t all reject religion outright—they just love arguing about it. ENTPs really enjoy the debate. They’ll argue both sides, play devil’s advocate, and possibly switch positions mid-conversation just to keep things interesting.
  • They get bored with rigid belief systems. ENTPs crave flexibility, innovation, and change—which means they tend to struggle with religions that demand strict adherence to doctrine. If they do engage with faith, it’s often in a way that allows for freedom of thought and constant exploration.
  • They like finding loopholes. If you tell an ENTP that something is always true with no exceptions, they will immediately start looking for the exception. They can’t resist testing the boundaries of belief.

I once debated an ENTP pastor’s son who was an expert at arguing Christianity and counter-arguments against Christianity—sometimes in the same conversation. “I don’t necessarily believe in God,” he told me, “but I love a good theological debate.”

I have an ENTP relative who is a devout Calvinist. He argued with me once, but I quickly realized he wasn’t actually listening to anything I was saying, he was composing his own arguments while I was talking so it quickly proved futile. I don’t think most ENTPs have this habit, but it goes to show that any type can be religious and a bad listener.

Why NTs Are the Least Religious Types (in my opinion)

  1. They prioritize logic over faith. NTs need intellectual rigor. If a belief system has logical inconsistencies, they can’t just ignore them.
  2. They prefer independent thinking. NTs hate being told what to believe. They want to explore, analyze, and come to their own conclusions.
  3. They don’t follow tradition blindly. Many religious beliefs are handed down through culture and family. NTs aren’t swayed by that. If they don’t personally find it logical or useful, they won’t adopt it.
  4. They are naturally skeptical. Even NTs who believe in a higher power often question their own beliefs constantly.

NTs can be religious, but if they are, it’s usually because they’ve spent years questioning, researching, and arriving at a faith that makes sense on their terms.

Conclusion: Faith, Skepticism, and the Many Paths to Meaning

At the end of the day, belief—or lack of it—is as personal as it gets. Some people feel an undeniable connection to something greater than themselves, while others search for meaning in logic, science, or human connection. I’m not here to play judge when it comes to any of that. My husband is a Christian and I’m an agnostic. My sister is my best friend and she’s a Christian. I’ve been impressed by people of all faiths (and non-faiths) in my life.

Personality type can influence how we approach faith, but it doesn’t dictate it. There are deeply religious INTJs and skeptical ESFJs. There are ENFPs who find faith thrilling and others who question it endlessly. While trends exist, humans are far too complex to fit into neat, predictable boxes.

If you’re someone whose faith is a foundational part of your life, that’s beautiful. If you’re someone who has questioned, doubted, and walked away, that’s valid too. If you’re somewhere in between—still searching, still wrestling—you’re not alone.

And really, whether you see meaning as divinely ordained, shaped by the cosmos, or built by human hands—what a wild, fascinating, and mysterious universe we get to experience.

But what do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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